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Day 10: Never Ending Journey

So February 12th was the last day for the studio work between Amy and Hino sensei. It was more or less like the previous day. In the morning, Amy's students came in for the shooting. The only difference was that there was one more observer, a friend of Kenzo's and filmmaker, in the space. Hino sensei would occasinally explain to the filmmaker what Amy and her students were working on. He also mentioned the bigger context of Budo (martial arts) to her. Why it is so valuable and such. She was very fascinated by what she saw and heard.

One of the things Hino sensei said was, "Every country has its own culture, and culture is different from country to country. But, to me Japanese culture is not about samurai swords and kimono, anything tangible. It's the wisdom and insight that the ancient masters have obtained about the human being. To pass on those intangible things is what I call culture."

I don't have much time today to write about everything that had happened on the last day. But I can say that the end of something always feels like the beginning of something else. The journey continues for everyone involved.

Saturday and Sunday will be the open workshop by Amy and Hino sensei. So, it's not over yet.

In the meantime, here I post the part II of the interview with Hino sensei.

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